I really have a difficult time with mortality.  Mortality as applied to both humans and felines.  I never voted for it -- I totally can't support it.  I resent it.  I have a big problem coming to terms with it.
When my grandfather passed away (Parkinson's)...I learned that the art of dying is a process.  Usually it isn't something that happens instantaneously - it happens over time.  Somewhere in the muddled memory of my reading - I recall that the native Indians have a last dance -- the dance they do when they say goodbye.  They rally all their last energy for the dance.  It is an art form. 
I can only hope that I have the energy to do my last dance in this way.  Sometimes I think that is what our feline friends do sometimes when they say goodbye to us.  They rally all their strength for the farewell dance.  The last of our energy to say goodbye and to give back all the love and care that was given.
In a message dated 11/2/2006 6:47:50 P.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Oftentimes people, both human and feline, rebound on their last day.  Like they are using their last store of energy or something, since they will not need it.  It is often mistaken for improvement. I have seen it as well.
In a message dated 11/2/2006 7:36:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Oh.. Leslie.. you are just so sweet – I and Dharma so appreciate you, Satch and Bea were doing for us..

Well..Dharma has had difficult time breathing on and off for the past couple of days and it was hard to watch sometimes – she might have had some water in her chest or lung.. but still she was doing okay (gave her lasix and might have made a little better?).. yesterday morning,, when I was calling everyone for breakfast, Dharma actually came up to the crowd and ready to eat (though she couldn’t eat then).. but when I put the food out last night in front of her.. she actually ate really good (that was about 45 mins before she passed..) so even until the last moment, I never gave up the thought  that she is going to overcome this and get better --- she must have some neurological problem, because she was having a difficult time walking at the end.. but as strong as she is.. she still walked around.. she had another stroke when I got home,, it was scary and I held.. and it went away, and she was okay.  She is just an amazing little miracle, Leslie..  


I never would have thought that she would cross the bridge last night..

If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow man. ~St. Francis

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