Is he urinating O.K.?  I don't know if lethargy is a
sympton when a male cat has blockage and can't pee. 
My cat Winston has this problem so he has to be fed a
special diet.  When he has this problem he stays in
his litter box alot and isn't as active.  That is when
I know it is time to go to the vet.

Cindy Reasoner

--- Peggy Ankney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Maybe I'm just paranoid, but this is my first
> experience with FeLV so
> any little thing out of the ordinary makes me wonder
> if something is
> wrong.  Scooter is about 11 months old, and we've
> had him for about one
> month.  He had an initial trip to the vet and was
> neutered and had his
> first set of shots.  We're feeding him Pro Plan, but
> I've found a local
> source for Innova and will be making the switch
> soon.  I'm not giving
> him any supplements but he gets canned food and
> occasionally tuna fish
> at breakfast.  He's never shown any signs of being
> sick and has always
> acted like a normal kitten.  He would walk all over
> my desk when working
> and play aggressively with his toys.  But lately,
> I've noticed an abrupt
> change in behavior.  He just sleeps a lot.  When I
> tried to play with
> him, he was alert but not nearly as fast in chasing
> around as he used to
> be.  I did a search of this forum on lethargy and
> every ailment was
> accompanied by something - pale gums (anemia),
> diarrhea, fever, loss of
> appetite, etc.  But Scooter's only symptom is
> sleeping.  Maybe this is
> just normal, as it's getting colder here (Virginia)
> and we have a wood
> stove, which is where he's spending more and more
> time, but he's still a
> kitten and he's acting more like my 13 year old cat.
>  He is due for his
> booster shots, so I'll be taking him to the vet in a
> couple weeks, but
> after reading this forum I have more faith in you
> folks than in the vet.
> I found the liver shake recipe and am willing to
> make it for him if you
> think it will help (I'm vegetarian so it kind of
> turns my stomach to
> think of handling the livers.)  If anyone has any
> input I would greatly
> appreciate it.  Thanks very much!   

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