Hi Cindy,
I don't know anything about their litter.  I didn't even know that they made litter.  If you've been using it and have been happy with it, I see no reason to stop .  Their toys and other innocuous things I would think are fine, but just beware the flea stuff and buy with caution if it's anything medical that doesn't come from your vet.
I found the following sites just by Googling "Hartz flea" - these were the first two and followed by many more.  The EPA one says that they have changed their...formula?...at the end of last year, so maybe the problem has been taken care of, but as they say, once bitten... 
From: cindy reasoner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Lessons learned (was: Re: Please add to the CLS - and
       HELP -  long, sorry)

What about their cat litter?

Cindy Reasoner

--- Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Mine was about the dangers of Hartz.  > PLEASE don't use their
> products (especially) flea stuff on any of your
> animals, positive, negative,
> dog, ferret, cat, whatever.
> Okay, off the soapbox.
> Leslie

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