There is a newer type of anesthesia called, Sevoflorane even safer than
ISO, I haven't personally used it, but it's supposed to be safer - ask
your vet about it.  And ask you can drop her off right before the
surgery and pick her up as soon as she wakes, and that's what I do with
all my cats so that they won't get stressed out being the clinic --
also, I would recommend that you do total body function to make sure
that all blood work comes back normal, her organs, PCV level, etc.. so
that you can avoid to do if you see anything unusual -- I definitely
recommend this prior to the surgery.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: Pippin tested negative on her IFA test --- plus questions


Congrats on the negative test!!!  Yea!!!  I think the
anesthetic you are talking about is ISO gas, but
someone here might correct me.  Also, fluids before,
during, and after the spay more specifically.  The vet
will tell you to confine her for a few days, so your
room might be a great idea.  It's softer than the
bathroom.  Unless she's acting like a wild woman after
you let her out of her crate into your room, she
should be fine out of the crate.  If not, you'll have
to put her back in.  She'll probably sleep a lot the
first day home anyway.  It takes time for any
anesthesia to get totally out of the system.  Good


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