I can only add that in January of 1993 I had to fly to Boston because my Dad was in the hospital dying, I had to board all 5 (4 positives, Teenye later turned negative and remained so for the rest of her life) of my guys at the vets because I was on a plane in 4 hours and didn't have time to make other arrangements. I was gone a week. In October of 1993 I lost Skeeter (FeLV+) to intestinal lymphoma, in March of 1994 I lost Mikie (FeLV+) to kidney cancer and in January of 1995 I lost my Frankie (FeLV+) to anemia. I don't think this was a coincidence, I don't leave my guys over night unless there is absolutely no other way and that has only been one time since then when Fred had his hyper-t treatment and I told them ONLY 1 day, he went in at about noon and I was there the next day at 10AM to pick him up.

I think lots of vets underestimate the impact of the stress to their bodies by 
them staying at the clinic


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