I'm so sorry.  This recently happened with my sister's dog.  He was fine one minute and then lay down and was dead.  I know it's devastating.  As much as I hate illnesses like felv I think it's best when you're prepared and more heartwrenching when things like this happen so suddenly without warning.

At 5:20 yesterday I lost my sweet girl Ginger .She had been with us for 15 years. Someone dumped her in my yard as a baby and she has been my protector ever since. Some people would call her a brown mixed mutt but to me she was a princess. She had a sudden heart attack lying at my feet at the dinner table. It all happened very quick I don't think she suffered. I know this site is for our kitties but I wanted my friends to know and to pray for our hearts to heal.   Thank you. Sheila 
PS, can you add her to the CLS ?

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