Many years ago I had a dobe that hid under the bed during storms and who let somebody break-in and rob our house.  The meter reader came once when I was out in the yard with her and asked me to please put her inside since his little computer tablet said "BAD DOG" for our address.  As he stared at her in wide-eyed fear, I hustled her into the house while trying  to explain that she was not the problem dog, it was our rotten little terrier mutt who was at that very moment latched onto his pant leg and trying to take him down.  He was so focused on the dobe he never even noticed that he was already under attack until I came back to grab her.  I've heard since that there is a personality difference between male and female dobes, I would love to have another female again.  But those cute little curly-haired terriers are just vicious... :o) 
Original message from Catatonya:
I can't take the test either.  The dog I found my family, and people on my rescue list all thought was a pit.  But he was friendly as all get out, got along with the dogs, and didn't chase my cats (though I've kept him on a leash with them, because they stalk him!)
There's a guy on my list who rescues pits and HE thought he was a pit from the pictures, but when he got here he said he wasn't.
He has 5 rescued pits.  They don't fight at all except trying to push each other out of the bed where they all want to sleep together.  A pit that seems friendly is at no greater risk than any other dog who seems friendly to 'turn'.  They just have more strength.
I'm a million times more afraid of dobes and rotties.

you guys don't want to here this but I didn't do so well on the quiz......


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