since she states that she's in compliance with washington state laws, i'd suggest a call to the attorney general there, as well.

On 11/11/06, kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You will find the legal contract information with all relevant details
>to constitute a legal contract for my services - the official invoice -
>  and agreement to mail the relevant check - all in xxxxx
>Legally that is all that is required.
>The dates of relevant emails may help you:
>Same day 2.48pm, the contract with ALL necessary details, including:
>(LEGALITIES so that I comply with WA state law:)"
>Note that fees were due THAT DAY - 9-14-06.
>11/1/06 PAyPal invoice sent with PayPal response:
>" This email confirms that you sent an invoice for $656.00 USD to
>That would have been 11-2-06. It is now 11-10-06.
>What's overdue including till end Oct is $625 if paid immediately by
>check; or $656 by PayPal - sent TODAY.
>After that there are overdue fees which will be billed according to how
>late the payment for the main fee is sent.
>On Monday - failing receipt of funds by PayPal or at least evidence of
>mailing of my check - I must notify the three credit reporting agencies
>of the breach of contract.
>    Irene de Villiers.

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference....


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