I personally would vaccinate everyone (even my fiv's) for felv.  Wait and give them all the booster, and then mix.  If your cats have already been vaccinated and boostered, of course this doesn't need to be done and I would mix now.  12 weeks is too young to know if this cat is truly positive.

dede hicken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have been following the posts for awhile. I have a
6 m/o DSH named Ki. He has become very special to me.
i was only supposed to keep him for a couple of
weeks, and he tested + for FeLV. No one at the rescue
knew what to do. They ususlly just PTS. The vet
wouldn't do it as he was only 12 wks old at the time.

I had him tested in Sept with the Elisa. He was still
a weak +. When should I do the IFA? I have been
reading things concerning the other cats catching
this. Right now, I have him separated. He is healthy
and playful. What is the risk??

We are moving from Fl to NY in the Spring. I need to
have answers for him by then. It's funny, but I have
3 FIV cats with my other guys...never had it
transmitted. I am just scared about the FeLV...just
don't know as much, I guess.

Education is everything!

"When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the service of your God"
Mosiah 2:17

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