Never apologize for loving the little ones and caring enough to seek help for 
them either in this world or in the next.

I am so sorry you are going thru this.  Please know that you are doing so much 
good and the little ones adore you for it.  A friend of mine swears we get 
Karma points for hard times.  You are getting them by the millions.  The little 
ones thank you for caring and providing for them.   

                                                 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
                                                 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
                                                 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
                                                                  St. Francis
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: catatonya 
  Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 7:58 PM
  Subject: Re: Please add to the CLS - and HELP - long, sorry


  So many losses.  I'm so sorry.  I hope Valley recuperates.  It's tough with 
positive cats.  We can only do the best we can.  


  Susan Loesch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    Please add my sweet (felv neg) Bessie to the CLS - she died Sept.26th.  She 
was a little tortie manx who'd had heartworms when rescued about 5 years ago.  
Daily pred helped her survive the death of the heartworms and she was one of my 
"library cats", who regularly came to school with me.  Such a sweet and gentle 
girl - she did the cutest little trick of standing right next to me with one of 
her hind feet -- always a hind foot - resting on my foot.  The heartworms left 
her with right heart damage which we weren't aware of.  She began throwing 
clots to her lungs and brain.

    Please also add my little foster fella, Stinky, who was felv positive.  He 
died on 9/25.  He was the cutest little tabby - always full of life and 
mischief, only 8 months old.  Healthy up until the last week and then boom.

    And please add my precious, precious Daisy (feleuk pos) also - she  died on 
Sept. 15.  Daisy.  How do I describe her.  She was technically my foster baby 
but so much more.  Last year she came to school with me every day.  She is the 
only kitty I've ever had who came to me every time I called.  I'd call 
"Dai-doo"  and in return get this little "yip-yow" from wherever she was and 
here she'd come trotting to me as fast as she could.  She followed me around 
the library every step I took and the whole staff and student body were in love 
with her. I could take her anywhere with me on a harness and leash and she had 
a ball.   I got her at 4 months and she didn't come in heat until 18 months.  
My vet and I were trying to decide if/when to spay her.  She gaiined weight 
over the summer and looked so healthy.  Came into heat a second time in late 

    She'd been on interferon and when we decided to spay her I decided to start 
her on immunoregulin and wait a month or so first.  The weekend before she 
died, I couldn't find her one day.  I was tearing the house apart - one thing 
that I moved looking for her was a bed with lots of stuff under it.  I didn't 
find her there -- and when she finally turned up later at the other end of the 
house it was like she was shell-shocked.  She looked panicked and couldn't turn 
her head very well - cried like moving hurt her.  I made the assumption that 
she'd been under the bed I'd moved and I'd squashed her or otherwise hurt her.  
 Was afraid I'd injured her neck - gave her a depo shot.  She seemed to move 
better and went on to have the best week she'd had in ages.  Up thru Friday 
night whe was fine.  I couldn't find her all day Sat - found her dead Sunday 
morning.   Now I wonder if the last weekend's episode was feleuk related.  Also 
- I'd updated her respiratory vaccs in late August -- wouldn't have done except 
that I have so many chronic URI fosters.    Has anyone ever experienced 
anything like this?

    She was just 22 months old and her death has completely broken my heart.

    And now Valley - please put him on the special needs list - I need prayers 
or meditation or chanting or whatever you believe in -- for a remission for the 
feleuk crisis he is in.  He is another of my "library cats" who comes to work 
with me.  He was a rescue from a kill shelter about 5 years ago - he was 1 or 2 
at the time.  Feleuk positive.  Looked like death warmed over but once fattened 
up has been so healthy that I had him retested last year to see if he'd 
reverted to neg. 

    He began losing weight about 2 weeks ago - gums pale as snow.  Blood work 
shows a hematocrit of 7 - almost not compatible with life.  He is still 
somewhat active - gets off the bed to go to the litterbox and sometimes to the 
rest of the house.  Will eat if I put food in front of him.  His vet thought we 
could  get a remission until the blood work came back.   He is getting raw 
liver, Clindamycin, 5mg pred every day, PetTinic, interferon.  I have 
immunoregulin and could try that.   I asked about Epogen and the way my vet 
explained it is that with feline leukemia, where the bone marrow is basically 
"dead" and not going to produce red cells, to give Epogen would be like 
knocking on the door when nobody is home.   We decided against blood 
transfusions due to the stress and the short term result.   Does anyone have 
any ideas?

    I apologize for the length of this.  Thanks for reading.

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