I am so sorry.  You are going through such hell right now.  If this is FIP then 
 know you are living with despair and waiting for the next disaster.
  I hope the New Mexico rescue's vet is working with UC Davis or Dr. Addie.  If 
this is some new strain of corona then we really need research.  Typically 
older cats are pretty safe from FIP.

Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
                Hi, I just wanted to ask you to take a moment to send a prayer 
for my most gentle kitty, Rikki who crossed the bridge to heaven tonight – he 
had the most peaceful crossing –though I was in the same are as he was resting 
(on the couch), I regret that I was not right besides him and was not holding 
him as I ma sure he would have liked –  I was so exhausted and laying on the 
floor and felt sleep and woke up and he had passed already – I feel badly that 
I was not holding him.. Though he was so weak towards the end, every time, I 
could go and call his name, he would meow for me like he has done for the past 
several years I have had – I couldn’t wish for a much more perfect than rikki – 
  I don’t know for sure if he had FIP for sure,, as it impacted a different 
part of the organ in his case (kidney) – though I know it was not CRF, as his 
kidneys were just fine two weeks ago.  I was talking to someone today in rescue 
business – and there seems to be more FIP cases in our area for some reason – 
so Susan, in a sense you were right, there is something going on that no one 
knows about – there is more incidents for FIP in the area at least than every 
in the past.. and don’t know why..Right now I am in despair and tired..
  I have 4 other kitties who are showing a partial of symptoms in other kitties 
who have passed away, and very paranoid. and I put all of them on FOI 
interferon hoping that I am catching everyone early enough that can reverse 
anything going one.. I am praying that I have seen the last of FIP tragedy at 
my household..
  I also found out that one of my dogs JoJo who is 8 years old mix of chow and 
shepherd may or may not have cancer – his one of eyes is bleeding a bit and has 
a big tumor in his gum.. and has blood in his urine. The vet was not crazy how 
his eye and tumor looked.. we did an impression on him and see if we can find 
more – please send a prayer to JoJo and send a healing energy that he is going 
to get better –
  Also, I have not seen my feral calico kitty – Angelina for 4 nights – I 
talked to my AC—and she is either suffering something very acute or may not 
with us anymore – I knew she was not ill – I mentioned to her about my 
neighbour poisoning cats and she thought, she may be one of the victims – I 
can’t tell you how angry and devasting I am – she is a such a beautiful kitty, 
and was getting so used to me and meoed so loud and happy to see me – I have so 
much sadness, despair and angers these days. I am having a hard time to believe 
in faith.. may all my babies rest in peace.. and come back and have a joyful, 
happy and healthy life….

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