I'm so sorry for your loss, Brenda.

Tim Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
      I know I only post to this group when I have a tragedy, but I read almost 
all the posts online daily.  I feel like you all are my support group although 
I don't have any FeLV+ cats any more.  I lost my last one in June.
  Anyway, our FIV+ Schumacher as gone to Rainbow Bridge today.  About 6 weeks 
ago he went to the vet because he was a little depressed and wasn't eating 
well.  The bloodwork showed kidney problems (elevated BUN & creatinine) and 
below normal PCV.  He spent 5 days in the hospital and the vet pulled him 
through.  He's been on prednisolone, cyproheptadine, Pepsid AC, Procrit & sub-Q 
fluids.  Over the weekend, he just took a nose dive and wouldn't eat or drink 
anything.  He was drooling and gagging at the sight of any food.
  I took him back to the vet this morning and she didn't think anythig else 
could be done.  His anemia appeared to be gone, but he was just very depressed 
and vocalizing (normally quiet) alot when I tried to hold him.  He had clearly 
had enough of the needles & pills.  The vet recommend PTS and I decided it was 
the best thing.
  He was a very loving orange tabby with a little "cat"titude on the side and 
was my husband's favorite.  This is never easy and it's already been a rough 
year.  We've lost 2 others since June.  Please add our Schumacher to the CLS as 
a non-positive.
  Thanks for always being there to listen when I need you all.

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