Thank you.  With the size of Asia's tumor in her chest pressing on her lungs, 
she would not have been able to breathe for 15 months and maybe not even for a 
week longer.  I was not willing to give up on her at this time and will always 
be glad for that decision.

Thanks for your blessings!

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Marylyn 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 3:30 AM
  Subject: Re: Dr. Ward's consult/Michelle

  The Royal Princess Kitty Katt was diagnosed with cancer and I was told she 
would live (maybe) a couple of months without treatment--very harsh chemo.  She 
and I opted not to do the chemo after a lot of soul searching and very in depth 
conversations with the vets and with a number (6) acs I know.  She lived about 
15 months and those were very high quality until about 2 weeks before she left. 

  You never know ...........

  Good luck and all the blessings to you and your family -- both 2 legged and 4 

                                                   If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
                                                   from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who 
                                                   will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
                                                                    St. Francis
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 9:01 PM
    Subject: Re: Dr. Ward's consult/Michelle

    I think that you have the perfect attitude, actually.  And I am sorry for 
all you have been through.  We have lost 9 animals in 5 years, plus a human, 
most after long illnesses, so truly understand what you are saying.  At this 
point I freak out at the slightest sign of illness, fearing something terminal. 
 But we also have a sheep who had acute kidney failure from copper poisoning 
and they did not think she would make it, and she not only made it but her 
kidneys have come closer to normal values than they said was even possible, 
knock on wood.  And my dog Fern was given 2-6 months and lived 18 months with 
her sarcoma.  So you really do never know.  

    I am glad you are not upset with me.  I was a bit tormented after I sent 
the email saying it is not curable, thinking maybe I should not have said that. 
 But everything you said is right.  I always think treatment that makes them 
feel good and extends their life is worth it, and something to be grateful for, 
and just hope for as much time as possible.


    In a message dated 11/26/2006 10:38:26 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:

      I have dealt with enough cancer in humans and dogs to know there are not 
guarantees....but I always try to stay as positive as I can given any 
circumstances.  I do have my down times and also try to be realistic. 

      My goal for Asia is to give her the best life she can have for the 
longest she can have it, whatever it may be.....I am just mostly happy at this 
stage that I thought it through and did some research before euthanizing and 
that we can do some treatments to assist her have some quality of life.

      I have done doggie hospice with 3 dogs since 2003, 2 of them last year 
and one was a cancerous tumor on his spine at C2 and one was Chronic Renal 
Failure that we treated for 2 yrs.  these two were brothers and I had them 
since birth.  I also had there mother and she had liver disease which I also 
treated for 2 yrs. along with heart disease.  My cat that I had for 15 yrs was 
a diabetic the last 5 yrs. of her life and I gave her shots am and pm daily.

      Not that I want to do anymore hospice with any living thing but I have 
had the experience with dogs and also my father.  My husband also had cancer 
and fought it for 2 yrs.  My mother is a 4 time cancer survivor who is now 82 
and going strong.

      I appreciate you wanting me to be informed and appreciate your honesty 
about the disease.  I do lots of research on the diseases of my animals and my 
human family members and try to stay as informed as possible.  I am also still 
grieving last years numerous deaths in my family so it was very difficult to 
euthanize Asia and it was also very difficult to face the possible caretaking 
again, but after a couple days of consideration and being sad, my decision was 
made to go forward with another opinion and treatment.

      So that is where I am with this, I will treat her as long as it is 
helping her, if she no longer has a quality of life then I will give her the 
loving peace of heaven.


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