Hi Sally,
  My Bandy has uveitis, and we have been dealing with it since around Feb. this 
year.. We tried all sorts of things at first as he did have an eye infection so 
he was mostly on antibiotic eye drops until that cleared then we added the dex 
drops.  He just kept getting worse and went almost all the way blind..So I took 
him to an eye specialist in Dallas..
  He changed the meds and Bandy had almost immediate relief and most of his 
vision returned even though the doctor thought he had only a slim chance for 
  He changed the med to prednisolone ac 1% ophth susp.  He was getting 1 to 2 
drops per eye 3 to 4 times a day..the fibrin went away almost immediately.  We 
also used atropine ointment or you can use the drops to try to keep the pupils 
from getting fixed.  Bandy's pupils are permanetly fixed now but he can see..I 
don't think he has alot of depth perception, but he can climb and get around 
great now..I haven't taken him back for a re-check since the summer and we are 
past due..and hoping to go soon as I can get this ringworm thing under control 
again..he is FIV+ Felv+ so we have dealt with alot of things..
  I would suggest that you try this med as it is what works best for this..We 
need to have glaucoma tests repeated as often as possible as it can cause 
that...Bandy is on 1 drop every 3 days now and it seems to be working..I am 
going to contact his doctor next week and will keep you posted as to what our 
next move is for now..
  Hope this helps..It was amazing for Bandy..
  Let me know if you need any more info about it..
  Kerry, Bandy and Inky
  I forgot to mention that after about 1 month they decreased the dosage for 
Bandy to 1 drop twice and day..and I think I told you that he is on it every 3 
days now..

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