I'm not sure which disk it was on, we just finished watching the last one in 
season 3, but I'm thinking it was somewhere in season 1.  We have Netflix, when 
we finish one they send the next.  I adore the books, but the series is pretty 
darn addicting too.  Wonderful actors, especially Robert Hardy as Seigfreid.  I 
think we have just two more seasons to go, we're gonna be in withdrawal when 
they're done.  I'm ordering the biography of James Herriot (written by his son) 
for my husband for Christmas.  There is also a book (Vet Behind the Ears) by 
one of the actors on the series that talks about the behind the scenes stuff, 
but it is out of print and used copies are out of my budget just now.  Anyone 
here read it and know if it would be worth getting eventually?



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