Ok, this is my THIRD time trying to send this!!!
(They do say 3's a charm, right?)
My memory (and eyesight) is so bad.......
Let's hope & pray this finally gets to group.........
Much love,
A Frustrated & Disgruntled Patti
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I feel the need to reply..... (Late as usual...)
This group is the most wonderful group I have  EVER belonged to.  So many 
wonderful members - I have  made many friends......
I joined when  i HAD MY Ethan, the rest is history.... When I "lost"  him. I  
continued 'cause Felv cats are SO misunderstood, a shame. and my  work at 
shelter, well, the Felv and FIV cats ALWAYS had a very special place in  my 
heart....... Need I say  more?
I really believe that cats DO need us,,,,,,, And, who better take care of  
Rescue IS an enormous undertaking, but  someone  has to do it, so why not 
I  have always got such a WONDERFUL feeling for those  I  was able to save 
and rehabilitate & find good homes,,,  Forgive  me as I AM STARTING TO CRY... 
(goes w/ The 'JOB".....)
Right now I  fear my rescue days are OVER........ AND  THAT'S BEEN MYL IFE, 
for so many years, that's what it is all about... :(
I just thank god that my Charity & Bart are still here!!!! And, they  "sense" 
Mom is different..Cats are so amazing.  They know I am not a  threat........
I get there, like she "knows" that I am coming  (She must watch  me....) she 
is now talking to me, and "sniffs' MY HAND.....  Maybe there  IS hope for our 
Today, even Bart didn't run.... Yes, he did (slightly) hiss, but he didn't  
run away........
Maybe I will get 2 new house cats.......
And, yes, Nina it was a year when Charity ran off. I remember that day like  
it was just yesterday... (AMAZING - the things I can remember, and those I  
can't!!! Poor Moonie, when I got home, I did not recognize her & it took me  
least) 3 weeks to remember her name & stuff....
 Puma is doing well.... I was supposed to go back to vet, and  'PROBABLY" 
have to make THE  DECISON.........  not READY for that.... I mean, after  
Cornelius, well, NO WAY!!!!!
He does not seem to be in pain, so I will continue his treatments.
And, Nina, you asked why I took him to vets, long story, but I'll try to be  
When I got home from hosp., he was "different "  --seemed that way anyway, 
but what do I KNOW?? (When it comes to my babies,  those memories never 
He was eating (MIUCHO) and he was wetting his bed almost  every day!!!!!
So, knowing he's ancient, I 'thought" kidneys or thyroid, maybe  both......
And, having gone thru both, I figured, no big deal, i could handle  it......
Boy, was I shocked when BOTH kidneys & thyroid tests came back  clean!  So 
the vet suggested testing for just aout everything else...   And, me being me, 
said fine,,,,,
I was totally shocked with the results... I mean, FIP  AND  toxo!!!  DOUBLE  
But I must say, the 'ole boy IS/SEEMS to be doing so much  better...  And I 
have decided, since apparently he is NOT IN  PAIN, I will NOT have him PTS....
He IS very old, and as long as he is not in pain or  suffering, I will let 
him "Cross The Bridge" at home......
I know there is more I wanted to write, but it's late and my memory  
I WILL try to stay on top of things.....Promise.
(Just TOO MANY babies seem to be crossing the  Bridge......)
Much Love To EVERYONE,

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