I don't know today...On Sunday I went in the morning when the tech was there 
and he seemed good and even ate some dry sensitive stomach for me...then I went 
back about 2 hrs later and he was in alot of pain so I asked if she could call 
the vet to get some pain meds...then she did and he was knocked out so I had to 
leave..I wanted him to rest, but when she gave him the injection he just had 
watery stool laying there...it was a mess so I cleaned him up myself..I think 
the stress of it all...
  Anyway she called me today 9am but whne I got there around 10 or lil after 
nobody was there..so I don't know what to think cause yesterday it took her 
around 6 hrs to do all the kennels as they have about 40 animals boarded 
there...I Just hate this...
  I have to bring him home later today as we have to leave for Dallas at 5:30 
  Maybe she just went in to medicate the ones that needed it and then when to 
do Christmas with her family and will come back after lunch..I hope..
  I don't want them to give him any more reglan as it just knocks him out...I 
think that is why he got so unalert yesterday after I was there the first time 
cause she had given him inj before I went back so the reglan probably made him 
drowsey...his legs hurt him and he was just crying alot...I knew he was in 
pain...so I hope that helped him..
  Please keep the prayers coming...
  Merry Christmas to you all...Hope all your fur babies are well today...and 
can have some turkey...I am going to try to get Bandy to eat some when I get 
him home and Inky, too..
  Kerry, Bandy and Inky

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