Hi Kayte,

I'm sorry your son was in the hospital.  That is no good, especially around

Human URI and cat URI aren't interchangeable.  Even though I know it seems
that way sometimes - my cats and I are all sick right now!


 Hi everyone! I have been very busy and am trying to catch up with the
postings and everything happing. I hope everyone is doing fine and that we
all have the VERY best new yr!:) I have a question...might have been asked
/answered already. My entire household has just gotten over nasty URI. My
son actually having to go to the hospital. Of course in the mist of a hectic
week:( and holidays. We are all fine now:) 100% but Crackers is sneezing and
once in awhile coughing. But is fine other then that. Eating like a horse.
"bathrooming" fine and is still very playful and purring like a motor boat.
I will take him to vet just to check. LOL I hope new vet doesn't think Im
crazy! Then again my son goes to Dr.s the second he blinks wrong. I guess
...whats the saying better to awe  on the side of caution. Ok after that
long paragragh LOL Here is the question??? Can cats catch the URI from us
humans. We all have been sick and I did goe inside one animal shelter with
my son to drop off "christmas gifts" to the orphans but with time being
short these few past weeks we didn't go in and play with any of them. Hope
everything is fine. HAPPY NEW YR!
kayte and Crackers

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