Lucy and Patches both have URI's.  I am giving them both Lysine, I-R  shots 
sub-q (which does not seem to be as effective as IV but I have not wanted  to 
take them to the vet, and Patches passed out last time someone tried to do  
something IV to her), and have Lucy on amoxicillin (only abx she can take  
without irritating her IBD) and Patches on clavamox.  So far they have had  the 
URI's for about 4 days, and have been on abx for 3 days (Lucy) and 2 days  
(Patches).  I am used to URI's clearing up faster than this.  I used  to use 
dox for 
URI's, but what I have is expired, my vet is out of town, doubt  the other guy 
would give it to me, and am afraid to give it to Lucy at this  point due to 
IBD.  But with dox their symptoms used to clear up within a  day or so.  The 
only time i have seen a URI go on this long was with  Ginger, who got a bad one 
after dental surgery and was sick for about 3 weeks  despite doing a few abx, 
but once she got I-R (IV) twice it cleared up.
My question is this: when your positive cats get URI's, is it typical that  
the URI's would last this long (4 days) without getting a lot better? They both 
 have stuffy noses and Patches has runny eyes.  The discharge is all clear,  
though Patches seemed to have a tiny bit of yellow from one eye earlier  
today.  They are both eating (Lucy wasn't for a day or so before I-R and  abx), 
grooming, etc.  Patches is also playing.  But they can't seem to  kick the URI. 
I have a vicks vaporizer running too, and have used nose  drops every other 
day.  They are functioning, and not very sick (knock on  wood) but it worries 
that they are not getting better.  Any thoughts  would be appreciated.

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