That's what I do too.  The s/o NORMALIZES the pH of the urine which deals with 
both struvite and oxalate AND makes it OK for the kitty without the problem to 
eat it too.
The only thing you really have to worry about is that the s/o is a pretty high 
calorie food.
Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his 
life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile." 
- Anonymous

----- Original Message ----
From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 7:03:22 PM
Subject: Re: Antonio

I just feed ALL my cats the prescription diet.  I use royal canin s/o which is 
for both types of crystals.  It's expensive, but I can't separate everyone's 

elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thank you, Kerry.
***RANT ALERT (from a crazy nicotine addict in withdrawel)***
I've always been very happy with my vet's office....but I came very close to 
opening up a can of [EMAIL PROTECTED] a bit ago.  Those slap-happy receptionist 
people are USELESS.  If I had not asked a stream of questions I would have left 
there not knowing a d*mn thing about his condition or how serious it is.  The 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] technician brought poor 22lb Antonio out ON HIS BACK (he 
NEVER likes to be carried that way)...and he was in SO much pain.  He just peed 
everywhere, bless his little heart.  He was screaming.  This they did before I 
even had time to check out or talk to the vet or do anything.  Once they 
finally put him down and let me hold him - he was a perfect angel and didn't 
even pee on my silk shirt.  He loves his mommy.  
Then they forgot to give me the medicine he needs so I had to go back and get 
it.  They wouldn't have given me the special food if I had not said -- doesn't 
he need some special prescription food too?????  
The whole time they are just as slaphappy as they can be yapping up a storm 
about how somebody did their hair or how cute some guy is or who did their 
nails.  Little do they know just how close they were to a big can opening.  I 
did my best to be gracious - but I am telling you - I STILL feel like going 
back down there!  That's my BABY! 
It's serious because there are so many crystals in his urine that he could have 
a complete blockage at any I have to watch him carefully and make 
sure he only eats HIS food and nobody else eats his food.  Maybe it's just the 
8 days without nicotine but I honestly wanted to shake all of them and just pop 
their heads together.  Plus, it didn't help that my regular vet wasn't there.  
The one who was there is very competent...but refused to give Antonio anything 
for pain saying that the "anti-inflammatory was enough for his pain".  I hope 
he gets this same condition and only gets a steriod shot. 
Sorry -- it's going to take a few minutes before I can be nice again.  I 
promise, I'll try very hard.

On 1/8/07, MacKenzie, Kerry N. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Sending positive vibes for your little Antonio--what a great and noble name!-- 
to start to feel better now he's had the steroid and antibiotics. hugs Kerryx 
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of elizabeth trent
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: Antonio

Thank you, Phaewryn.  
I just talked to the vet.  Antonio has a lot of struvite crystals in his 
urine...and a lot of red and white blood cells as well.  No blockage - thank 
goodness -- but I need to be on the lookout for that.  They gave him a steroid 
for the inflammation and a shot of antibiotics -- I think we'll be doing 
antibiotics for at least 14 days.  Wants me to change his diet to prescription 
c/d....but it bothers me that the 3rd ingredient in this catfood is corn gluten 
Anyway - it's going to take some logistical ingenuity to figure out how to feed 
one cat one thing -- and seven others something else.  We had recently switched 
to the chicken soup light formula...but the vet really does not think that is 
what caused it. 
I'm getting ready to go get the boy - just can't focus here at work without 
him.  Dr. Jones saw him today and said that Antonio is SUCH a good kitty.  and 
he is.

Sending healing vibes and positive energy for Antonio!

The easy way out has a bad reputation.
Why would anyone take the hard way out?
"The door? No thanks, that would be the easy way out. I'm jumping out the 
Quote by: Les U. Knight

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