I'm happy to hear this :)  Please keep us updated with any more news.

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I guess there are some benefits of not being able to stay as in touch with the 
list as much as I'd like.  It's nice to tune in just in time to have things 
getting better with our little Lucy out of danger.  Someone mentioned how her 
recovery points to the fact that she's able to fend off infections, (or 
whatever the heck is going on).  I always took heart when my guys where able to 
prove that their immune systems were still working.  I'm sorry for your stress, 
and very glad to hear Lucy is feeling better.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:         Thanks everyone.  I think I did not have the 
thermometer in far enough the last time, because her temp is now 103.6, and she 
seems better not worse, so I think the lower reading was wrong. But she is 
acting almost normal now. ate a lot, came to lay with me, purring etc.  Sorry 
for all the emails. I appreciate the support and advice.
  In a message dated 1/16/2007 11:53:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
  eyelid (she should close her eye as your thumb approaches. If light pressure 
gets a pain response 

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