I can't even imagine what you must be going through.  I hope so much that
Lucy will feel better and that you can get some useful information to help
her.  You've both had a very difficult day.  My heart and prayers are with
you both.



 I think they did not want to give her dex because there is the
possibility that she is fighting some kind of bad infection, and dex is
contraindicated for that. Or that she has some kind of ulceration in her
intestines, which dex is also contraindicated for. I asked for it, believe
me.  I am a huge proponent of using it.


In a message dated 1/18/2007 10:16:09 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

I am sorry to hear Lucy isn't doing so well yet..I don't know why they
won't give you some dex or give her a dex injection..I know it works the
fastest to reduce the temp..It is almost standard procedure from any vet I
have used for dogs or cats here..It also hits any inflammation that might be
going on more rapidly, too..at least until you can get a firm diagnosis, it
always helps. Bandy's temp never would go down much with an incease in
pred. Anyway,  I hope you get the answers at the specialist.. We will pray
than it isn't wet fip or lymphoma.
You two are in our thoughts and prayers,
Kerry, Angel Bandy and Inky

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