i think, too, that i'm talking more about cats who accept treatment
quite well for a long time, and then suddenly say, "enough." i am a
huge believer in giving fluids, and will do so often at the first sign
of punkiness in a cat, and have seen them work wonders--often one
application of subq fluids will stop a developing problem in its
tracks, so to speak. and my cats just seem to take it as a matter of
course that if they aren't feeling well, mommy will probably start out
with fluids (and, often, a shot of dex.) i've always explained to them
why the fluids are good for them, and they've always seemed to
understand, because it DOES make them feel so much better, so quickly.

it's only been the last two years that i haven't had a bag of fluids
and a set of lines hanging in my living room--since jess, my FIV
coonie discovered how much fun it is to shred the lines and hydrate
common household objects. digital cameras do NOT respond well to
fluids, believe me.... now, the bags are kept less accessible.....

On 1/30/07, Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 PS.  Fred told an AC he wasn't thrilled with the fluids, he didn't
understand the reason for it.  He said he'd rather not get them but I asked
her to explain to him that they would help his kidney's function better and
keep him feeling good for some time.  His values have improved quite a bit
and he still doesn't love it but he does sit still for it and the 3 minutes
it takes to do it to me is worth the 8 good months he's had and he has
gotten more grouchily affectionate in the last few months.

 I was very stressed out when we first started fluids, he fought me tooth
and nail, he tried biting me every time but once I explained why it was
being done and the fact that it was going to be done he got used to it.  His
overall health is good his kidney's are just wearing out but he has some
good years left and he has realized he does feel better with all I'm doing
so like it or not the ten minutes total a day it takes to give him his
fluids and meds is a small price to pay for his continued good health.

 To me it's the same as if I had a human child, they hate taking medicine
too but we make them for their own good.

happiness is being owned by cats ...


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