My heart goes out to you Michelle. I understand all of those feelings. Thinking of you and Lucy.

Subject: taking Lucy to get fluid drained
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 14:05:17 EST

I am taking her in half an hour. I am really nervous about it. The vet
agreed to do the shot of 1/2 cc dexamethasone into the abdominal cavity after draining, which apparently sometimes helps slow the refill time. I think she is even more anemic than on sat when her pcv was 15-- the parts of her gums that were a little pink then are now completely white. She got her fourth dose of Epogen yesterday, but it clearly is not working yet if it is going to work at all. She gets up to use the litterbox, and looks alert if she hears a mouse in the wall, and purrs to be pet sometimes, but other than that just sleeps. I am going to ask the vet to try leukeran, just in case this is from her ibd
or she  has developed intestinal small cell lymphoma, since the abx are
clearly not helping her so I doubt she has toxo (unless the steroids have been keeping the abx from working or something). I fear that she does not have long
left. I  am not getting any work done or going anywhere; I have pretty much
been  researching possibilities of what is happening to her and caring for
her/staring at her full-time since the weekend. She is my baby, and I think I am losing her, and I was not ready for this. I really thought she just had a URI
when she spiked a fever two weeks ago today. I think it is probably FIP (I
just realized that they never actually tested her albumin level, so perhaps it is low after all), but even if it is something else I am losing hope that she
 will get any better.  I want to see if the leukeran will do something. If
not, I will try to do the dex/depo shots for comfort.

Please keep Lucy in your prayers. I know that this should not be a shock to
me at this point, having lost 4 FeLV+ cats and knowing that her age, at
least 5.5 years old, is not young for a positive cat. But I love her so much, and can not stand to see her going through this. I also can not imagine this
house without her in it.

She just started dreaming-- her ear is twitching. I really love this  cat.


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