Dear Patti
I'm so sorry to hear about your Fred. I know how much you loved him.
Y'know, it doesn't matter what the species is---we form strong
attachments. I see no reason why Belinda wouldn't put your sweet Fred on
the CLS list. He was a much-loved little fish and you will sorely miss
him. It will comfort you to see his name on the CLS--I know it's always
meant a HUGE amount to me, and has been so comforting, to see my little
souls commemorated on the list, and know they are remembered there, no
matter what.
big hugs, Kerry
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 6:02 AM
Subject: Re: Bandit: toxoplasmosis

In a message dated 2/1/07 2:01:52 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

           If he is doing so much better, I think it is likely that he
has toxo and not fip. It can be very hard to tell fip from toxo-- toxo
can cause pretty much all the symptoms and lab work of fip. but it can
be cured with clindamycin, and they are supposed to start feeling better
within 3 days. How much pred is he on?

My Puma is on 5 mg. pred. 2X daily.... (I sent you an individual e-mail
on my Puma...did you get it?  I am NOT happy w/ AOL!!!  Another L-O-N-G
story.....I 've been on AOL foreverl...and it's getting so much worse -
.....Maybe it's just me...
<> )
Anyway, for an old boy. his "recovery" has been totally amazing......
When I got the diagnosis, the FIP really made me think, having dealt
with it before, sadly....So, I NEVER questioned it having lost 2 of my
boys before (confirmed thru necropsies).
I just felt guilty 'cause I did not get my "personal clan" tested at the
And, Dusty & Oden NEVER showed symptoms, they just died, as if it was a
heart attack.....
Dusty was old, a rescued street cat from Baltimore, so we had NO
But Oden was just 2, and I had him since a bottle baby.......Never sick,
he just dropped dead, suddenly.....  Freaked me out, BIG TIME!!!!!
So I "figured" the FIP was gotten from my fosters......
But, since Puma has been on clindo & pred. his "recovery" is
I pray it was only toxo...... But, at his age (ancient), I thought "if"
it was FIP too.....well.......
You have given me inspiration, which I really need now.  ( I just lost
Fred, my "cannibalistic" gold fish, so today has been a B-A-D day.  I
loved that fish, despite his "faults" - Wouldn't even put him in outside
pond, he really gave me such pleasure......)
Now I "wonder" that "if" I had put him in pond, well, maybe he'd still
be alive...... He ate all his aquarium buddies, maybe he was lonely
being solo in tank....... (I have been "wondering" if Belinda can add
him to next CLS - I've seen dogs, but a fish? He was special......)
Anyway, thanks so much for your inspiration, I really needed that.....
How is your sweet Lucy doing?  And, yes, she is in my prayers every
night.  I also believe in the "power of prayer", just wish I didn't have
SO many people praying for me after MVA......
I am going to also send this to your personal e-mail, please, please,
please, let me know you've recv'd. it...
 <> ,
Patti (and her clan)
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