Oh Michelle PLEASE do not leave us.You have been here for me so many times and 
it just would not be the same without you here.Phaewryn was not trying to hurt 
you and maybe she misunderstood what you were saying.That is so easy to do 
while communicating this way.PLEASE reconsider.

      Since I last wrote, Lucy got up, climbed all 14 stairs to the upstairs, 
ate half a jar of baby food and a couple pieces of dry food, curled up on a cat 
bed, and is purring away as Gray pets her. When Gray poured the dry food for 
Patches, Lucy literally got up and ran over to it, trying to push Patched out 
of the way.
  I know she has FIP, or most likely does. I know there is no real cure and it 
will get her. But today does not seem to be the day, and I do not think it is 
selfish to decide that. Someone who can and wants to climb stairs, wants to eat 
(even if not a normal amount), wants company and pets, and can go running over 
to a bowl of food is, in my opinion, not asking to be killed.
  To whoever wrote that I should not do "home euthanasia," I was not 
considering home euthanasia, I was considering, in an emergency if she gets in 
distress, tranquilizing her until a vet could come or we could get to a vet. i 
did that with Simon and he immediately slept and actually died in his sleep 
before we needed to. But it was not intended as euthanasia. I and several 
others on the list have also used oral valium to ease passings, and it has done 
so. I do not think this is irrational.
  I stopped reading posts after that and just deleted, to whoever wrote 
something in the subject line about allowing suffering.  Given that I had just 
come downstairs from Lucy's little trek and eating spree, it seemed too 
ridiculous to read.
  This list has been a godsend for me at times, and I have made friendships 
with a few of you that I hope to continue offline from the group.  But this 
group is not helping me right now and is actually upsetting me quite a bit. So 
I am unsubscribing.  Nina and Hideyo, I hope to stay in touch with you 
individually, and anyone else who actually wants to, and to share ideas and 
emotional support.  But I am done with the group.

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