I am so sorry.  My heart hurts for you.  What you did was kind though - no
dear one should have to suffer like that.

Love and hugs to you,


 Thank you all so very much for your thoughts, concerns and prayers for
Bart and me.
After I sent that post about my feral friend, (around 3:00 AM, EST ), I
DID go out to barn & struggled (*very hard *) to get him in a large crate
and into secluded area of house.... I hated having to lift him, he was so
painful, but I couldn't stand the thought of him being so sick & inside the
barn, no matter how well I "thought" I had insulated it......

The sad news is, I did have Bart PTS.  I was with him when he crossed the
bridge, able to snuggle & kiss him.....  How strange is that???  He was
certainly,well probably, the most feral cat I ever came across in all my
years....  And, very, very savvy.  Never could trap him over the past two
years. (I even got info. from Nina on an alternative method.....)
I honestly "believe" that because I had earned their trust, Charity "led"
me to him in the blizzard.... She *knew *he needed help, so she turned to
me.  Even when I had my Rottie (who does like cats, just freaked over a
"strange" one in her territory), out on leash...... The way Ladybug re-acted
scared the bejesus out of me, but Charity would not give up......When I look
back, I am so very thankful that none of us got hurt - (me - falling, Bug
[born deaf], getting off leash & Charity *not* being challenged by my *very
large, very territorial, *Rottie).  I am also very thankful I was
"allowed" to get both Charity & Bart into my care.........

At the vets this AM, Bart was so good...... Scared, of course, but he kept
looking at me and I just "knew"....
He had an abdomen so very full of fluid.  Unbelievable.  The vet did pull
out alot, but I finally asked him to stop.  Besides the fluid in his belly,
Bart's gums were almost white.....NOT a good sign.  And, he had quite a few
abscessed teeth, and was already "missing" quite a few......
His "vision" was also questionable......
My poor boy was also in so much pain. He "wanted" to lay down, but just
couldn't on that cold, stainless steel table.   Broke my heart......
Had a conversation w/ vet about the "possibilities" of Bart
recovering....... He explained that although it was almost a textbook case
of "wet FIP" (which would mean regular draining), he also was most assuredly
*very anemic*.  Epogen, transfusions..... Also, he "explained" it "could
be", lymphosarcoma, cardio-vascular, liver, kidneys - I'm sure you all get
the picture.  His prognosis was very poor, with NO guarantees.
I just remembered the promise I have made to ALL my babies, so I made *the
dreaded decision......*
My dear vet gave him a tranquilizer prior to the euthanasia solution, and
Bart just seemed to pass peacefully, as I stroked him & kissed his (big
"ole) head......
Not a good day...... I *HATE* having to "play God"......!!!!
And, you know, it hurts me just as much when it's a feral/stray......
Just absolutely heartbreaking.  No other words can explain it.......
Well, it's feeding time at Patti's Zoo, and the rest of my charges are
counting on me.  Can't let them down.  I'm all they have,,,,,,,  And, they
are my world.
As soon as I am done, I will e-mail Belinda to add Bart to next CLS.
I will also "try" to e-mail those of you who I have corresponded with off
list.  Just, please forgive me if I don't get to it tonight....
You are the most wonderful, supportive, loving group of folks out
there...... I am very thankful to be a part of this group.  Really.
 (A Very Sad) Patti & her clan

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