Hello All
Sorry I've been a silent member for a while due to work etc... but I  am 
unfortunately back now and will be for a while. 
Just had Minstral to the vets cos I noticed a very subtle behaviour change  - 
she became more affectionate to me and scratched her jaw a bit more than 
usual  - I suspected gingivitis again but Minstral being Minstral is not a 
handleable  cat at the best of times. However at vets we found only very mild 
Gingivitis but  her lymph nodes are a bit swollen. I think we are going to 
interferon  omega now whilst we have caught the changes early. I have chosen 
to do  bloods at the moment due to not wanted to stress her out to much.
PS - she isn't being affectionate now after I grabbed her from behind and  
bundled her into the cat carrier to go off to the vets bless her.
I hadn't seen this vet in consultation before but knew he would be good  from 
a brief encounter with him when we were going through the emergencies  with 
Bramble in the past. I instantly went in with a somewhat knowledgeable  
attitude and told him I had gone to him as I felt he would work with me to do  
everything possible for Minstral to help her have a quality of life and not  
her off. After dropping in some technical terms he said I was well  informed so 
I think he will work with me. Unfortunately our last vet has left so  had to 
select another one so have to picky and find the right one.
Any tips very welcome?
Michelle, Buddy, Minstral & Angel  Bramble


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