I second this.  You say she stayed away from the others pretty much, and
FeLV is pretty hard to catch casually.  And when you do have the others
Please ask your vets BEFORE you take the others in for tests what their
philosophy is on treating FeLV+ or FIV+ cats.  If they routinely
euthanise asymptomatic kitties, you may want to find another vet who is
more enlightened.  Do NOT let the vet euthanize anykitty just because it
tests positive.  There's a huge possibility for false positives with the
in-office test, and aside from that, otherwise healthy FeLV+ cats can
live long happy lives.  
It sounds as though the one you lost was starting to get sick, and
possibly the stress of the surgery moved things along.  It sounds to me
like the vet did stuff in the wrong order, actually.  You would think
they'd have done the non-invasive tests first, and maybe an ultrasound,
before doing the invasive stuff.
I'm sorry for your loss.  Gentle Bridge vibes to her.  You sound like
great catparents.
Diane R.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kelley Saveika
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 10:59 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Help needed

Hi Debbie,
I would check around with other places in your area to see if you can
find the tests cheaper.   I can get a combo test here for $16 per cat,
which would be way less than $1,000.  
At this point I'm not sure I'd be in a rush to test all of them.  They
have been together and likely either have it or they don't (most likely
On 2/26/07, Debbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

        The cats were all spayed and neutered and had all shots except
the feline leukemia. They have been to the vet yearly or whenever
needed. We aquired so many at once we could not afford the testing and
shots. A lady I worked with found 3 kittens in a dumpster, 2 weeks later
4 more - we bottle raised all of them and they all lived. At that same
time a stray came in winter and had 4 babies. They all lived also. A
month after this we took a trip 500 miles away and found 2 kittens
starving in a field in  the middle of nowhere. We brought them back.
These were tested (not sure why vet decided this) and they were ok at
that time. All the cats got along and seldon fought. If they did it was
not the biting, scratching, etc... Soon after that a cat roamed up at a
barbeque we had. She was young and in heat. We did not want her to get
pregnant and she stayed so we brought her in. She was a very shy cat.
She liked attention but seldom went near the others. Her eyes, nose, and
mouth were clear (no discharge). A few weeks ago she started throwing
up. We took her to the vet. She had nver been seriously ill (none have).
They are all around 4 yrs, old now. Anyhow the vet said something was
probably stuck in her intestines so they operated. All they found was
enlarged lymph nodes. They did a biopsy and said they were not
cancerous. She started doing better but then it was hard to get her to
eat. We took her back in and they said her lungs had fluid in them. They
drained it off. After all of this they came back and said she tested
postive for leukemia. They recommended putting her to sleep. 
        Now we have a nightmare. We have all the others, plus just paid
out $700.00 for a cat that they ended up putting down. Don't know if the
operation threw her into it all or what.
        We are going to have the others tested but it will be over
$1000.00. We feel awful. If you don't have the money though it isn't
always as some people think to keep up with everything. 

                -----Original Message----- 
                From: Kelley Saveika 
                Sent: Feb 26, 2007 11:25 AM 
                To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
                Subject: Re: Help needed 
                I don't think anyone can give you odds on that.  I would
say it would be unlikely that they will all be positive and quite
possible that none will be positive.  If there is anything I have
learned from this list it is that FELV is pretty hard to catch.  Were
any of the cats vaccinated against FELV? 
                On 2/26/07, Debbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: 

                        What are the odds of having 15 cats and one
tests postive - will the others all be postive? These are cats that are
strictly indoors now in a 1200 square foot house. The infected cat was
not outwardly sick and di not socialize with the other cats, however
they used same litter boxes and ate from same dishes. 
                        Any help would be greatly appreciated. All cats
are close to same age, different litters, aquired at the same time.

                Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time. 
                http://www.rescuties.org <http://www.rescuties.org/> 
                Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.


Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!


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