I know how hard it is to come up with the cash and how expensive vet care can be. I have been fortunate enough to find a rescue organization in my area that helps me with costs sometimes. I've developed a relationship with them and they trust me enough to know that I have the cats best interest at heart. If they have enough money in the till, they will pay for spay/neuters and some vet care for new arrivals. If they don't, or if it's a procedure that their group wouldn't normally allocate funds to, they'll let me use their group discount, (at the vet that gives discounts to them), put the cost on their bill and then I pay them back in the form of a "donation". This helps me because I get the discount and also can deduct the "donation" on my taxes. It helps them because they can show my donation on their books, and of course they appreciate my efforts to help the animals. Call around to all the groups in your area and tell them what you do for the cats in your care. Let them know that you don't expect them to do anything for you, but would be grateful for suggestions and any help they might provide. They might have extra food/supplies to share, or they might be willing to let you use their vets for things like testing, vaccinations, or spay/neuters. Some groups do their own vaccinations and testing, they may be willing to test your guys at their cost. It never hurts to ask and usually it's so refreshing to them to get calls from people that are doing their part to help animals. So many people call rescues to dump what should be their own responsibility in the rescue's lap and expect them to rush over and take care of whatever problem they need help with never taking into account how overwhelmed and under resourced they are. Approach them in the right way, and I'm sure you'll find a valuable resource.

I'm glad if the group has helped you to feel less alone in the good work you are doing. It's been a Godsend to me and so many others. I love the people here! Good luck Debbie, I hope you stay in touch and let us know how you guys are doing.

Debbie wrote:
My husband and I agreed to have the cats all tested. We called close to 20 vets for 
pricing. None are extremely cheap. The cheapest test by itself was close to $38.00. There 
was only one vet that offered a "snap test" cheaper. It is somewhat aggravating 
because we have spent close to $10,000.00 on the cats and paid all in cash. No one vet 
seems willing to reduce rates by that much. We will end up I am sure paying at least 
$900.00 (this yr. alone). Guess they don't realize eventually the money will run out. If 
it weren't for my husband I would never be able to do this. He retired in the U.K. and 
moved to the U.S. He took an early lump sum retirement. That is the only way we have been 
able to do this. I work full time but we live on about $32,000.00/ yrly. before taxes. 
There are so many pets in need and also people. Sometimes it gets very overwelming. Sure 
wish we got tax breaks for pet care, but heck most people are lucky to get reimbursed for 
human healthcare these days.

I want to thank EVERYONE for answering my post. All the info. has been greatly 
appreciated. It is nice to hear from others who love animals like I do. I am at 
work at the moment and the folks here really don't care at all about pets. It 
is refreshing to hear that there are people out there that do. Thanks again. 
Please stay in touch.


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