I had 12 cats when I found out one was positive and had been with everyone else 
for months.  I spent a lot of money retesting and everyone else has remained 
negative.  I then brought in another positive (on purpose) because I am not 
worried about my cats catching the leukemia.  The negative cats do need to be 
vaccinated.  It doesn't 'hurt' if you vaccinate someone and they later turn out 
to be positive.  But unless someone gets sick I wouldn't test them again.
  All my cats mix freely together, eat together, use same litters, etc....

Debbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  What are the odds of having 15 cats and one tests postive - will the others 
all be postive? These are cats that are strictly indoors now in a 1200 square 
foot house. The infected cat was not outwardly sick and di not socialize with 
the other cats, however they used same litter boxes and ate from same dishes. 
Any help would be greatly appreciated. All cats are close to same age, 
different litters, aquired at the same time.

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