
I'm glad to hear that Daisy made it through her spay! 
Yea!  Now if you can just keep her inside!!!  lol


--- Sally Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all
> Daisy was spayed yesterday. She did just fine. She
> got outside a total of 3
> times in the past month waiting for her appointment.
> The last time was this
> past saturday. I chased her for 25 minutes. The
> tomcat was chasing as well.
> Finally Ittle Bitty, my big ol loverboy chased tom
> off and it confused her.
> I was able to catch her. I was most concerned that
> she would go off for a
> few days and miss her appointment. I would have had
> her fixed even if ton
> had caught her. The clinic was celebrating spay
> neuter day so I got 5$ off
> the cost was $30. I also got a t-shirt as well. They
> are having a
> vaccination clinic in april and the FeLV test is
> only $22.
> I won't test the other cats again unless there seems
> to be a problem. So far
> all the cats are healthy. I think Junior is my only
> pos and the others
> lucked out. Of course losing 3 was not lucking out.
> I have not been sleeping well the past few days, so
> I am not up to date. I
> will have to wait to read the posts.
> Thanks everyone,
> Sally Davis
> --

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