Hi Lori,
Thanks so much for posting your story about Nebs. Thank goodness you were strong enough to follow your heart and not take the advice of your vet! Hopefully your story will help educate your vet, (is this your ex-vet now?), and save more lives in the future. I would suggest that you have Nebs tested using an IFA next time. You could run an in house ELISA again, but an IFA would be better confirmation of his status at this point. How long has it been since he was last tested? I would wait at least 90 days before the re-test to give him the chance to clear the virus, (if that's indeed what was going on). Please keep us informed and welcome to the group,

Lori S wrote:
I have seen a lot of you post that your cats posted negative, positive, negative. Is this common? Do some cats get over it or are the tests errored?

My beloved Nebs was diagnosed two weeks ago just after his fourth birthday. I took him to the vet with a very bad case of the runs and no appetite. The vet, one I had not been to before, told me Nebs was felv positive and would be dead in a matter of days. He told me his kidneys were huge and the virus had destroyed them. He recommended that I put him down right away. I couldn't do it. He was too special and deserved a chance. He told me nothing would help. I asked him to do what another vet had done for another cat once, an injection of fluids for dehydration. He gave him that, but refused any medication, saying it wouldn't do any good. The next day, I begged him for some antibiotics and he gave me them but told me not to get my hopes up. I gave Nebs the medicine, and some Pet-tonic. The next day he was eating again. In two days, he was eating like a hog. In 3 days, his runs were gone.

It's now been 2 weeks, and instead of being dead as the doctor predicted, he's practically back to normal! He's gained almost all his weight back and has his swagger again. His third eyelid, present for almost a year, is also gone. His stools are more normal than they've been in ages. I am wondering if maybe he'd had a severe kidney and intestional infection, and when that was cleared up, he was all right. I don't know if he's really felv positive or not, I'll get him retested at another vet soon, but even if he has it, his immune system was not as 'shot' as the vet said it was.

So my questions are, are the tests sometimes wrong, and can a cat go in and out of good health while being infected? I had always heard the first sickness would basically be the last.

I also want to say, please do not give up on your kitty if the vet says to put him down, he's going to die. You know your pet better than anyone, and if you feel he isn't at his end, don't do it. I am so glad I gave Nebs another chance when the vet didn't.

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