*This message came from Kathleen Bowers... she is trying to join the group,
but in the interim I wanted to forward her email so she can start getting
responses.  I told her she found the best group around!!*
*Leslie =^..^=*

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mar 9, 2007 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: Questions and concerns

I have a 13 year old *indoor* *only* female cat who was tested for feline
leukemia as a kitten and was neg. She was vac. for a few years in a row Then
the vet said this is not necessary since she is 100% indoors, so we stopped.
I had her to the vet in Nov. 2006 for a routine physical- all  was ok ,
healthy 17 lbs. At  that visit she was the second pt. of that particular
day. Pt. #1 was severely  ill and the owner was crying uncontrollably. It
was weighed on the same scale but unknown of further contact by the same
staff members. I even said to the weighing person if she cleaned that scale
after the sick cat and she got defensive and said that they clean the scale
after each weigh (I wonder about that now) Now it is March and my cat is
positive for feline leukemia. We are devastated!! I can't stop crying. She
is now 12.5 lbs. weak and can't eat or drink much. She tries but can't eat
much she even cries out because she would love to eat. We try to give her
Prednisone and an antibiotic but she fights taking it and we dread putting
her through it all. Will these drugs really help much? How did this happen
to my baby??? who is only indoors. I have another healthy cat also who is
indoor only 14 yrs. old and  same story tested- neg early and no longer gets
vac. I'm terrified for her also. How and when do you decide to end the life
of your baby? It is so heart breaking to see her sick and know she won't get
better. My husband and I are half out of our minds knowing what is to come.

Leslie     =^..^=

To leave the world a better place - whether by a healthy child, a garden
patch, or an improved social condition - that is to have succeeded.  That
only one life breathed easier because you lived - that is success.
---Ralph Waldo Emerson

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