I use PetTinic, along with some other vitamin products - but it does have a bit of sugar in it, so something to be aware of.


On Mar 10, 2007, at 8:15 PM, elizabeth trent wrote:

OMG -- let me just say this about Pet Tinic. This is in no way a normal story...but Mama Kitty hated it so bad...she took other meds with no problem..but the last time I gave her Pet Tinic she honest to God had a siezure. I thought she was dead -- gave me a heart attack. Mama Kitty will never have to take that nasty stuff ever again. I've had other cats who just loved it. Not on Mama's menu.


In a message dated 3/8/07 7:30:48 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: So no one here has heard much about the use of ovaban for itching and calming them down?


I had to give a male cat ovaban for his urinating (outside of box, ANYWHERE!!!). But, the poor boy was traumatized, owner was fleeing town after we had the "Three Mile Island" incident here [Sorry, my memory stinks, but I KNOW it was early '80's, at least I "think"]. She was just going to "dump" him in a KILL-SHELTER!!!!! And, at the time, I did have one of his sisters, so, regardless of that fact, he came home - to me........
He DID calm down, used box ALL the time, BUT.........
That was my Mr. Chow - [my very first encounter w/ Felv.]...... And, to make matters worse, when he got older and sickly, he was diagnosed w/ cancer....... Upon necropsy [something I detest!!!!], his lymphosarcoma was due to being Felv+. (Keep in mind, this was prior to Snap or Elisa testing......) I was devastated....... I still "wonder" about just how they were able to diagnose Felv. (????) And, he lived w/ me & my furbabies MANY years, and all his friends lived to a ripe [healthy] age..... On the subject of amytryptilline, we used that at the shelter on many stressed-out cats. And, Blossom [See? I CAN remember some things!], used to chew her fur terribly PRIOR!!! Her nickname was "Bald Blossom". After giving her the meds, she was "Beautiful Blossom"! And, as far as I know, which lately isn't too much, she is a healthy senior w/ lots of fur!!!! What dosage were you RX'ed? Improper dosage can lead to many "problems"..... And, don't ask me what we had our Blossom on..... that memory is gone........
I know I am rambling & am even going to switch topic, but.....
For vitamins, yes, PetTinic is very good, but we also used Fela-Vite [sp?]. It's a flavored gel, I even "think" it's made by the same mfg. as Laxatone. (????) Just don't quote me on that...... And, since I'm changing topic, I also want to say that I am seriously contemplating having my Buster put on amytryptilline...... He was Cornelius's best friend (the rest of my gang are "snooty", AND THAT'S PUTTING IT MILDLY). I rescued Buster shortly after Cornelius, and when Corny passed, well, I was really concerned about Buster. And, he is also a Maine Coon, but now he is a DSH!!! And, he is perfectly healthy, according to my vet..... He's on a good [great] diet, no fleas, no allergies....... What's a Mom to do???? And, I DO have to go back to vet, as soon as I figure out a way to get dear Charity into a carrier...... For those of you not familiar w/ my Charity, she's the feral I've been looking after [spayed, tested, vaccinated, plus food & shelter], who led me to Black Bart, another REALLY, REALLY mean feral tom [in a BLIZZARD!!!] when he was so ill....... They both put their trust in me that night...... Sadly, for Bart it was too late. :( But, Charity "allowed" me to carry her back to house, and she's been inside ever since.... In a large crate, but until I ever get her to vet, I don't want to "expose" her to my other babies.... I even have Timmy, her baby.....Who I had to bottle feed 'cause the j*rk that dumped them, put them in a cardboard box!!!! Of course, Mom got out, but I had her 2 teeny babies.... The other baby, Thomas, was adopted, but Timmy won't have any of that!!!! [He did get adopted while I was in hosp., thank heavens for adoption contracts!!! He made it purr-fectly clear that this was his home!!!!] I'm rambling [again], back to Charity........We DID have a vet appt., BUT..., upon "seeing" another human, she went ballistic!!!! (I can't drive among other handicaps after MVA), so when my rescue buddy came to get us, there was NO way to get her in carrier! I know....my fault, should have already had her in carrier..... But, she has to be at least "semi" manageable for vet appt. And, she does not like any person but me!!! And, at least prior to MVA I could draw blood..... Now...FORGET IT!!! My room mate even asked why I brought the EVIL CAT in!!!! (Her "house" is in my laundry room and she freaks whenever he goes in there!!!) So just how can I expect a vet & staff to handle her??? With me, she's a mush.... She "allows" me to stroke her, even PURRS!!! And, sometimes when she pretends to scratch me, she doesn't even have her claws out!!! I just don't know what to do...... Living in a crate is MUCH better than life outside in this weather here.....
Suggestions, anyone????
Debbie & everyone, sorry I rambled so much. Can you tell I don't get out much?

Patti & her gang

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