was in a friendly argument today about whether a cat who tests positive on
the snap should be IMMEDIATELY retested with the IFA, or if one should wait
and retest in 90-120 days. my theory is that, since a cat who is newly
exposed might well test positive on both tests and still throw the virus
off, and needs to be retested anyway, why spend the money...... her position
was that the snap tests are so unreliable that an ifa might be negative
while the snap is positive....

here's some stuff she pulled out of her files--she will check with her
expert later this week (but she's been bugging her enough already this week)
and i'll get attribution then, but i think this is pretty clear:

"Virus isolation detects infectious virus (DNA) in the plasma while
immunofluorescence  (ie IFA or Hardy Test). demonstrates viral
antigen (proteins) in the white blood cells. Either of these methods
is generally regarded as the definitive (gold standard) test for FeLV
and there is very good agreement between the results of the two.

PCR is not widely available. This test detects FeLV-specific DNA in
the white blood cells. A problem is that although it identifies
viraemic cats, PCR also detects residual DNA in some cats that have
recovered from FeLV infection and will continue to be completely
healthy. Before PCR can be used routinely for FeLV diagnosis, further
research is required to clarify how the results should be interpreted."

sounds to be to be almost exactly the situation with FIV when they first
started trying to identify the naturally occurring strain from the
vaccine-induced one--yep, it can be done, and yep, it'll be a great test
once perfected. but so far, it hasn't been standardized in terms of what the
results even MEAN....

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference....


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