Ewww, I wouldn't want to squirt Pet-tinic in anyone's mouth! I taste most everything I give my kids and I never had the nerve to taste Pet-tinic. The smell alone tells me it has a very strong flavor. I mix it in with wet food when I give it. If Tomi isn't big on canned food, you might be able to sneak small amounts of whatever into small portions of tuna or baby food. I'm glad he's eating his dry food. You might be able to mix TF into some of his dry. Does Tomi like fish flavors? If he does, you might try squeezing a few drops of salmon oil on some dry food to see if he'll eat it. If he does, you could then mix in a tiny bit of TF, (it will stick to the oil coated dry). Try feeding him one kibble at a time treated in this way. Both salmon oil and TF are usually pleasant tasting to kitties, you might be able to supplement him this way. Do you know how large the capsules of TF are? They may be too big to pill Tomi with and then you'll be spending the extra money for capsules when you could just as easily get the powder. I would call them up and ask them about it. They may put flavoring in the TF powder made for animals that they don't add to the caps as well. Check it out before you decide which product to try. As Lance said, colostrum and TF are not the same things, they are not interchangeable.

I'm so pleased to hear that Tomi is feeling a bit better. I hope it's not the case, but you might want to fasten your seat belt. Dealing with felv can be a very scary roller coaster ride. Try not to think about the possibility of Kisa getting sick. I know it's easier to say than do, but it won't help and the stress of worrying might even hurt. Love them, give them the best care you can and watch them closely for any changes in mood or behavior. Make your decisions one at a time to the best of your ability. That's all any of us can do. Nina

C & J wrote:
Thank you for the responses all, its really informative.

I haven't used Interferon yet, as my vet is still looking into it.

I think Tomi is feeling a bit better today, he seemed to really like the dry Innova food and ate quite a bit, but only tasted the canned Innova. He doesn't seem to like canned food at all lately, so putting any supplements in his food is not going to work very well.

I'll have to ask the vet if they have pet tinic. It would probably be easier to squirt some of that into his mouth rather than making him swallow a bunch of paste.

I would like to try the Transfer Factor, and i'm probably going to order it yet, even though its $60 for 60 capsules, plus shipping. Would the Colostrum from a health food store work as well as the Transfer Factor? It sounds like the same thing, with the Transfer Factor just being more expensive.

We'll see too if he'll use the paper litter, its in pellet form, and he's not exactly sure he likes the feel of it on his feet. I do have 4 other cats, so I still have clumping litter in the house, I just put Tomi and Kisa together in a separate room for the night with the alternate litter.

My spirits are a little higher today after seeing that Tomi is feeling better. I just hope he can continue to pull through. Its so scary to think that he or Kisa could get so sick at any moment.


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