My first FeLV kitty we treated with Doxy just in case it was Hemobart. She 
collapsed and threw up after I gave her her meds one day and we rushed her to 
the Emergency vet to have her PTS. She was in great pain. We think she got a 
clot in her leg. This is why I am hesitant to medicate these cats a lot. I wish 
I hadn't done it, because I realize now she was never going to get better and I 
tortured her by medicating her and force feeding her so much right to the end. 
Since Stamp is eating I am more willing to try things.
  I will try to get some Doxy at the shelter tonight. 
  I am worried now that it is FIP. He eats fine, but his belly sags and that 
may be why I feel the bones in his back even tough he is eating fine - his 
belly is pulling his skin. I remember seeing this in a rash of kittens I had a 
few years ago with FIP. It would also explain the rapid breathing even though 
he is not severly anemic.
  I appreciate the comments about Science Diet. I know it is not the best, but 
certainly not the worst and Stamp does get other food besides, including canned 
Nutro kitten and baby food.
  Unfortunately, I have 6 cats of my own, about 6 ferals, and Stamp is my 6th 
foster. So that makes 18 cats (and 1 dog) I am feeding. I would prefer to feed 
Nutro, but I am doing the best I can on my budget. The canned food all comes 
out of my pocket. I tried Innova and Wellnes canned and nobody would eat it. 
His coat was full and shiny until a couple weeks ago, so it is not the food.

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  When we started treating Grace for Hemobart, her test had come back 
neg. Since it's not always detectable, and the vet had a gut feeling 
about it, we gave her Doxy anyway and it helped.

Gussies mom wrote:
> Litter: Feline Pine. When he gets out with the other cats is when I 
> see him eat litter
> No, he has not been tested for Hemobart. He was so young when the 
> anemia started. I asked the vet at that time and she said they do not 
> see Hemobart in young kittens.
> I don't think Science Diet is a bad food, certainly not the absolute 
> best, but I have never had any problems with it.

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