Hi all.  I'm so sorry I haven't been able to keep up with the listserv.  I've 
been overwhelmed with work and life...and everything kind of got away from me!  
For any who've lost kitties or whose fur babies are sick, my thoughts and 
prayers are with you.
  Please send thoughts and prayers to Slinky.  Last week he peed in my bed 
twice.  I thought it was just behavioral...until Saturday when I noticed he was 
really lethargic.  Sunday morning I took his temp and it was 104.6.  I took him 
to the vet and they said he was a bit dehydrated and gave him a shot of saline 
and a shot of clavamox.  Sent me home with 2 rounds of Clavamox - 1cc twice a 
  I thought he was doing better...but yesterday when I came home from work, I 
sat down on my bed and watched while he sat on a duffle bag I had on the floor 
and peed all over it.  I took his temp and it was 105.3!  I called a friend 
who's a vet tech and she recommended wrapping him with a cold water bottle and 
syringe feeding him ice water.  That brought it down to 105.1, but we knew he 
needed to go in.
  So I took him to the emergency clinic.  By the time we got there, his temp 
was 105.6!  They did a urinalysis and a complete blood count.  Results said he 
has a UTI (no surprise there) and that his FeLV is now "full-blown."  He's very 
anemic, his red blood cell count is down, everything was low.  They gave him 
some more fluids and a shot of Baytril and sent me home w/ 5 days' worth of 
Baytril (to give in addition to the Clavamox).  
  The doctor said the Baytril might buy him some time, but that his time is 
limited.  She said the only other option would be a transfusion which I can't 
afford (though I'm not sure I'd put him through that even if I could afford 
it).  I spent just about all the money I've got on last night's appointment.  
  This morning his temp was down to 100.6.  He was quiet most of the day, but 
that's pretty normal.  I stayed home with him, but he wasn't in the mood to 
cuddle (which is very unusual) or to play.  I went out to dinner and just came 
back to find him feeling warm.  I took his temp and it's 103.8.  I just gave 
him his abx and some ice water and opened the window (I figured sitting in the 
open window sill last night probably helped with his temp).  
  I've been feeding him raw (Nature's Variety) for several months now.  But 
he's refusing to eat his raw food.  He will lick off treats if I crumble them 
on top and he took about 2 bites when I tried to hand-feed them.  He will eat 
his dry food (go figure!) - Innova Evo - but not a ton of it.  He's drinking 
some (only from glasses next to my bed, not from his dish!).  The doctor last 
night said his hydration was fine.
  Does anyone have any suggestions???  I am a WRECK!!!!  I'm trying hard to 
hold it togehter for him...but it's not working.  He's my only kitty and he's 
my baby!!!  He's not even a year yet and I've only had him 7 months!!!  I don't 
know what I'll do without him!  
  Any suggestions/prayers/support would be most appreciated!!!  Thanks for 
being here!  And I'm sorry again I haven't done better at keeping up with 
  Love to you and your fur babies!

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