Hi Marissa,

I loved reading your post.  I'm so glad that Slinky is
home again.  Did you ask the doctor about Epogen and
when will they start it? 


--- Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi all!!!  Just wanted to give you all the latest
> update.  I brought Slinky home this afternoon!!!! 
> The doctor called me this morning and said he was
> doing great and could go home.  I stopped and saw
> him on my way to church and he was wanting to jump
> out of his cage and go home.  :)  
>   I went back this afternoon and they said his temp
> is normal (101 - was 102 when I went in the
> morning), his BP, respirations, heart rate, etc.
> were all normal.  He even ate quite a bit of his dry
> food after I left in the morning.  He was alert and
> looking around.  His gums are still pale but they're
> definitely pinker!  
>   When we got home I took him out of his
> carrier...and watched my baby boy run across the
> living room floor, jump up on the couch, and perch
> on the window sill!!!  :)  Considering that I wasn't
> sure I'd even get to bring him home, I just about
> burst into tears!  
>   The bill was actually pretty close to the estimate
> and they're going to have me continue his clavamox
> and baytril and give him sub-q fluids if I need
> them.  My friend who's a vet tech will be here
> tonight to help me take care of him and keep an eye
> on him for the week.  We have a follow-up
> appointment Thursday night to run another CBC and
> see where we stand.
>   Throughout all of it, the hospital was absolutely
> amazing!  I called 2-3 times last night for updates
> and they were great about getting them to me.  They
> actually THANKED me for the opportunity to work with
> him and told me what a wonderful cat he is.  :)  
>   Now for the not-so-happy news.  He was really
> alert and energetic for a while...but I noticed he
> was starting to feel warm again.  I took his temp
> and it got to 104 and then he moved and it came out
> and he wouldn't let me get it in again.  :(  I
> called the hospital to make sure I was supposed to
> give him his abx tonight (wanted to make sure I
> wasn't overdosing him after he'd been on IV abx). 
> The doctor said to give him the abx and go ahead
> with sub-q fluids...but also said that she's
> concerned about his ability to regenerate and that
> she thinks I've done all I can for him...and it may
> be that if he's eating and alert that's a good day
> for him.  
>   We gave him the clavamox, baytril, some C and
> L-Lysine, and Hi-Vite and then started the sub-q's. 
> Took the temp after the fluids were done and it was
> 104.4.  I'm hoping it will go down by the time the
> fluid absorbs.  He's seeming a bit more lethargic
> and sleepy now.  I hate to keep poking and prodding
> him...it has to be frustrating for him!
>   I'm feeling a bit discouraged...everything seemed
> to be going so well when I picked him up!  But my
> friend (the vet tech) is saying that his body needs
> time to adjust to the new blood.  I'm hoping that's
> what's happening...and not that his body is killing
> the new blood cells.  Please keep up the prayers and
> good thoughts!  I know we've done everything we
> can...but I really want this to work!  I got my baby
> back for a few hours...and I want more!  
>   Thanks again for all your support and love.  I'll
> send more info when I have it.
>   MJ
> ---------------------------------
> Don't get soaked.  Take a quick peek at the forecast
>  with theYahoo! Search weather shortcut.

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