
I can't remember what dose I gave Cricket of the IR,
but I did order it from Revival Animal Health and it
cost me about $50 with shipping.  It came pretty fast,
but I might have paid extra to have it emergency
shipped.  I think it's listed as EqStim; that's the
generic version.  You probably don't need more than
the 5 mL to start off with.  I think the dosage for IR
is .25 to .5 mL per 8 lb. cat, but don't quote me on
that.  I really hope that Slinky's fever goes down
soon!  I know it's worrying you, but I have heard
several people say that a fever is not necessarily a
bad thing always; it's the body's way of fighting off
things.  Maybe it's a good fever.  Fingers and paws
crossed here in Dallas.


--- Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi again everyone.  Thanks so much for your support
> and ideas.  
>   After Slinky's fever spiked to 104 last night, we
> gave him some sub-q fluids and it went down to 103. 
> :-|  Not great, but better.
>   He did eat during the night and seemed to do
> okay...but his fever is back up to 104 now.  We
> tried to give him more fluids, but he won't keep the
> needle in.  He got about 250 cc's in him but that's
> it.  We're gonna try more later with a smaller
> needle, but...ugh.  I HATE having to poke him and
> take his temp and stuff all the time...he's getting
> really sick of it!  Poor baby.
>   He feels very hot and is pretty lethargic.  He's
> still eating though.  
>   The doctor called to check in a bit ago
> (!!!!!!!)...i don't know if that's normal but it
> certainly hasn't been normal for me!!!  She said
> she's glad to hear he's eating.  She thinks I'm
> doing all I can and that eating and being alert
> might be a good day for him.  :(  Seems possible
> that the fever is his body adjusting to the
> transfusion, but with the FeLV it's hard to know.  
>   I asked her about IR and Interferon and she said
> she's never used it but saw it used with dogs in vet
> school.  She said she'd ask around today and see if
> anyone had had positive results using it with cats
> with FeLV.  I saw someone's post about getting it
> online w/o a scrip (can't remember who posted
> it...sorry).  It's not cheap!  But I may be able to
> swing a little.  It's $35 for 5mL, $150 for 50mL. 
> But I have NO idea what the dose would even be. 
> Anyone know?  I have a vet tech here all week so we
> could give it here for now...but what would the dose
> be??
>   Any ideas or suggestions would be great. 
> Thanks!!!
>   MJ
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