WOW!  Thanks.  Finksburg is only a little over and hour from me, so I might be 
able to swing that.  Could you give me his number and I'll call?  I'm going to 
call several places today and see what I can find out.
  Last night...about 10:30 or so I really thought I would lose him.  He was so 
lethargic that when we gave him fluids he just flopped in my arms and didn't 
even wince when we stuck him (normally he screams).  I told him that if he 
wanted to make it through the night I was going to try to find a vet to help 
us.  His temp was in the low 103's during the night and 104.2 this morning.  
And around 5:30 or so he got up and ate and drank quite a bit of water on his 
own.  That was great to see!
  I'm gonna start calling around, so please send your dr's info.  THANKS!!!!!  
And I'd love to have you "vouch" for me...I can use all the discounts I can get!

      I forgot [silly me!} to say that my vet also gives "Rescue Rates"........
  If you want, I'll "vouch" for you........
  Hugs & Best Wishes,
  Patti & her gang

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