Hi all!  First of all, I need to say again how absolutely AMAZING this list 
is!!!!  Thank you so much for being here and for all your support and advice.  
And special thanks to Barb for IMing me (if anyone else feels like chatting, 
I'm on yahoo at disablednproud77 and on aim at disablednproud)!!!  :)
  I made a ton of calls this morning and have made a bit of progress in finding 
a new vet.  Thanks so much to all of you who recommended people and sent links! 
 I'm still waiting for some vets to call me back, but I found one very near my 
house (can even get there on the metro which is good since I don't have a car) 
who said she'd look at the articles I have (I faxed them to her) and that she'd 
be willing to try things as long as I am aware it may not work (well duh!!).  
Her prices are also REALLY reasonable, so that helps a lot!
  I also spoke with the vet I had taken him to at Banfield.  He said that he 
didn't think there was anything that would help, but if I faxed him my research 
info, he'd take a look and if it looked good he'd make sure I got whatever 
scrips I needed for things I wanted to try.  That's good news because I'm still 
on their wellness plan, so if we do IR or something, I can go there for the 
treatments and not have to pay for the office visit!  :)  
  "Dad" said to call him from the vet and he'll give them his credit card 
number...I'll start paying him back when I get paid next week.  Whew!  God is 
good.  Still no idea what will work, but I'm glad to be making progress!!!
  Thanks for all the suggestions and help everyone!!!  Hugs!

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