always wonderful when they get hissy about going to the vet, isn't it?????

sending lots of love and GLOW to both of you, but can't talk--just noticed a
HUGE thunderstorm coming in!

On 3/21/07, elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mama Kitty and I just got home from the vet's office.  The Acemannan came
in (less than 24 hours - that was very good).

I knew Mama was feeling a bit better this afternoon because she did put up
some protest about going to the vet's today.  They took her temperature and
her fever is gone!  She got more fluids today.

She was more vocal today -- that is much more like her.  Instead of taking
us to one of the patient rooms - they took us straight back to where they do
procedures and surgery.  I've been going there a long time so I guess they
know I'm not going to get in the way.  Dr. Reid is a wonder about giving
those shots that go through the skin and directly into the stomach.  The vet
tech holds her standing up and he does the shot.  My doctor said that
actually a shot like this is less painful than one that goes under the skin
-- he explained about why and the nerves in the skin, etc.

We're scheduled every Wednesday for the next month or so to come in for
one of these shots.

Maybe it is my imagination - but I could swear that by the time we got
home - Mama was feeling even better.  The first thing she did was have a few
bites of salmon.

Dr. Reid is concerned about her drinking enough water so I will be keeping
an eye on that.  He recommends making ice cubes from chicken stock (not the
low sodium kind) put the ice cube in a bowl or plate for them.  They
can play with it - but also they won't drink it too fast.  My understanding
is that the sodium in the broth makes them more thirsty and so they will
drink more water.  (I don't think you should use stock that is made with
onions because anything from the allium family is taboo for kitties).

So - thanks for everyone who sent well wishes and thought of us.  I am
cautiously optimistic.  Mama Kitty is on the porch sunbathing (since mean
ol' mommy made her stay inside today while she was away).  We'll keep you

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Maybe That'll Make The Difference....


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