I'm sorry about Gentleman Bart MC. I don't think at first any of us has any idea about the magnitude of this nightmare. I think I may have mentioned to the list about my mother losing her beloved Portuguese Water Dog, Santo, a couple of months ago. He was diagnosed with sudden kidney failure that, even with Santo's advance age, puzzled the vet. I'm very sad to say that the food she had been using was on the recall list.

TenHouseCats wrote:
did anyone notice that, during the first day or so of this recall,
there was an announcement that they'd identified the source of the
e-coli contamination from last summer? (to be honest, i didn't pay
that much attention to it, because the pet-food thing was more
important.) the point is that it's likely to take months for them to
know for sure, IF THEY EVER DO, just what caused this, AND how
far-reaching it might be.

just found out that one of the FIVs we adopted out at the sanctuary
was a probably victim of the early contamination; he was a little off
his feed, so they gave him a can of his favorite junk food--one of the
recalled brands..... very quick deterioration, very much in keeping
with how a rodenticide would affect a cat. GLOW for our bart, an
always-gentlemanly cat who would wait for all the other cats and
kittens to eat before doing so himself....

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