  I'm so sorry.  I would be furious too.  But as Kelly said, you need to try to 
control yourself.  You don't want to piss them off.  Your vets have always been 
so wonderful. I know this must have really thrown you for a loop.

Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I don't blame you for being furious either.  I have learned, though, that 
allowing your fury to show doesn't really help your animal in most cases.  
Remember that being calm (or at least pretending to be) is the best way to help 
Fred.   I also would be looking for another vet as soon as he's through this - 
that's how I found my current great vet. 

  On 3/23/07, Rosenfeldt, Diane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:         Wow, 
Belinda.  I don't blame you for being furious.  You'd think that would be the 
first thing they'd check, wouldn't you?  I don't have any advice for you about 
how to remain calm,  since invariably in confrontations where I'm that angry, I 
end up bursting into tears...not helpful.  I guess ideally, you let the fury 
rule rather than the worry and frustration, so you get that icy calm thing 
going.  Tell them what the other vet said, what YOU found, and what you need 
done, stat.  If the vet you're seeing does gain your trust, that's great, but 
if not, start looking as soon as Fred is past this. 
  Apologize to Fred for all the extra stuff he's gone through, and tell him 
you're on the way to getting it fixed right.  I'm sure he knows you've been 
trying to help, and that there was no way you could know a person you had put 
your trust in wouldn't be competent.  Best of luck at the vet! 
  Diane R.

  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2007 8:47 AM
Subject: Need Advice - Concerning Fred [kind of long]

     Hi Guys,
   I'm really struggling to keep my anger under control.  Fred as you know has 
not been doing well the last few days and I took him in Tuesday and found out 
his blood pressure is sky high again.  Well while I was there I asked the vet 
if she had checked his tube entry site because for the last week there have 
been several occasions when I thought I felt some swelling again, but at other 
times I wasn't sure.  Well she assured me she had and it was fine ... last 
night I was scratching him under his chin and found a huge lump under there 
again, NO mistaking it there was something there!!!   Well I guess I know now 
part of the reason he is feeling so crappy and not bouncing back. 

Those who have read my last few messages about our situation know about us 
battling this infection for about a month and a half.  They were giving me 
clavamox even though the second time it came back he had been on and still was 
on it for 2 weeks.  I'm so upset and angry I am really going to be struggling 
to not go in there and start screaming at everyone!!!!! 

The vet I saw Tuesday obviously flat out lied to me, there is NO way she could 
have checked the site like she said and missed that.  Fred has been miserable 
more often than not for over a month and a half because of this infection.  
He's very depressed now and it's going to make it that much harder to get him 
over this now. 

I have an appointment at 11:30 just to check his blood pressure, I made it 
before I found the lump, but am calling the second they open and telling them I 
want to see Dr. Munson the minute she walks in the door, her first appointment 
will have to wait, as far as I'm concerned this is an emergency and this time 
they are going to get it right!!!! 

The lump is three bigger than it has ever been and I know Fred is fed up and 
feeling pretty crappy, I hope he can find the fight to get over this hump, 
please, please send him prayers for strength and the will to keep fighting. 

My question, how do I go in there and remain sane, rational and control myself 
because I just want to go in there and tell everyone how incompetent I think 
they are but NOT before we get this infection dealt with and under control?? 

Please pray that I can control myself so I can get the care Fred needs.  The 
vet I'm seeing today is one of two I haven't seen while we have been dealing 
with all this so hopefully she will earn my trust and know what the hell she is 
doing.  Help me guys get my state of mind in a positive frame, it is going to 
be really hard this time! 

--     Belinda  happiness is being owned by cats ...    Be-Mi-Kitties

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Please help Joey! 

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