Thanks Wendy.  I'm about to lose it...but I think having had several days to 
think about it and adjust is helping (not that it makes it any easier).
  I do have lots of pics of Slinky, and have been taking even more in the last 
few days.  My best friend plans to help me make a scrap book for him (she has 
made them for each of her pets) and I'm going to put one of his pics in a frame 
I have on my nightstand (previously used for boyfriends but now being upgraded 
to a much more loyal love in my life!).  
  If anyone wants to see any of his pics, feel free to check out his myspace 
  thanks again!

wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hey Marissa,

I am really amazed at how well you are handling all of
this. You are really good at making good/difficult
decisions. I commend you for that. I hope that when
you go see the vet today that his HCT is the same or
better if he's going to be able to pull through all
this. If not, I completely understand your decision
on this.

I wanted to tell you that if you don't have any pics
of Slinky, you might want to take some. Pictures of
Cricket were invaluable after I lost him. I slept
with his picture for weeks afterwards. They helped me
to grieve, and his pic is still on my nightstand a
year and a half after he passed. 


--- Marissa Johnson 

> Hi all. Amazingly, Slinky's still hanging in there.
> Must be all the zillions of prayers going up on his
> behalf! :)
> I mentioned the other day that when we went to the
> vet on Fri, his HCT was down to 7. However, he's
> till breathing normally and eating and drinking on
> his own (not eating a ton, but eating nonetheless). 
> The vet was shocked he hadn't lost any weight.
> He perks up a few times a day to eat and drink,
> but for the most part he spends all of his time
> sleeping or lying around - either on my bed or under
> my bed. I'm giving him Doxy, Prednisone, Clavamox,
> Hi-Vite, and C&Lysine in watered down babyfood twice
> a day! Also giving Epogen once a week and Immuno
> Reguline a few times a week (that one at the vet). 
> I feel like I live in a hospital! lol
> We go back to the vet tomorrow morning for the
> next dose of IR and I think I've made some
> decisions. First of all, I've decided against
> another transfusion. The vet doesn't think it will
> help much (his HCT actually went down after the last
> one, not up), I don't really want to put him through
> that, and "dad" isn't up for paying for another one
> if it's not likely to help. Most importantly, I
> don't believe Slinky wants to go through it again.
> I've also decided that when we go to the vet
> tomorrow, if his HCT has gone down any further, I
> think that will be a sign that it's his time. If
> it's stayed the same, I'll try another dose of the
> IR and see what happens. If it goes up, we'll
> obviously keep doing what we're doing. But this is
> no quality of life for him and if he's continuing to
> get worse, I think I need to recognize that it may
> be time to let him go.
> It's a difficult (almost impossible) decision! 
> But I feel peaceful about it. He's more cuddly
> lately - coming up to cuddle with me in our usual
> way and we've had some wonderful time together these
> last few days. I'm staying home and being with him
> as much as possible. I'm still praying and hoping
> that he's improving (and sending him those happy
> healing vibes), but we'll have to see tomorrow.
> Thanks again for all your prayers and support! 
> When friends ask how I'm able to get through this I
> say it's largely because of you all. I hope all
> your furkids are doing well.
> Hugs,
> MJ and Slinky
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