oh, no...... was off-line during thunderstorms so missed this....

lots and lots of GLOW for both of you.

On 3/27/07, elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thank you for writing -- you've helped me take a deep breath.  I'll send
you an email off-list.


On 3/27/07, Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a cat who is epileptic though not FeLV+  She is controlled with
> phenobarbitol.  I'm leaving my office right now but if you want to talk feel
> free to email me off list.  I know how scary it is to see a grand mal
> seizure but it is still something you and the cat can cope with.
> *elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * wrote:
> I am so worried.
> When I got home this afternoon, I noticed that Mama Kitty didn't have a
> lot of spunk.  She ate well this morning but this afternoon, she didn't get
> up and go to the front door to go outside.  I picked her up and took her --
> she sat on the porch a bit and seemed interested in some cat food.  She
> really sat in one spot for a while though so I picked her up to hold her at
> pet her.  She wanted to get down so I let her.  She went to a place where
> she usually suns and all of the sudden started breathing very rapidly.  Her
> eyes looked very strange and she started to let out this low yell/growl.
> That's when she turned over on her side -- legs straight out and head lolled
> to the side..tongue sticking out.  It was a seizure.  There is no mistaking
> it.
> I thought she was going to die.
> She did this once last summer when I was giving her Pet Tinic.
> When it was over, I took her inside to her royal chair and just kept
> everyone very calm and still.  In a few minutes, she was purring again.  I
> got her to eat some fancy feast too and she ate fairly well.
> She seems tired - but ok.
> I started to take her to the ER (45 min drive away) -- but my heart told
> me not to.  I've been sitting beside her, keeping her calm and I put one of
> her favorite CDs on to soothe her.  Going to simmer some lavender oil.  I
> was supposed to go out tonight but nixed those plans right away.
> The only thing I can figure is that she was afraid I was picking her up
> to give her medicine or go to the vet's and she didn't have the energy to
> run so just just frieked out and had a seizure.  My vet told me that cat's
> can do this - idiopathic seizures with no underlying pathology.  I'm worring
> myself sick but I am afraid a 45 minute trip to the vet would just friek her
> out more and the last thing she needs right now is stress.  The fact that
> she ate convinced me more to just chill out and stay with her.
> She has an appointment for more Acemannan tomorrow.  When I get her to
> go to the vet - it's fast and painless.  She's in that pet taxi before she
> knows what happened.  She's really in a delicate state right now though.
> My vet is less than 2 miles away so hopefully we can get there without a big
> ordeal.
> elizabeth

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference....


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