Hey Marissa,

I cried reading your post this morning.  I am hoping
the kids who are testing across the library from me
aren't watching.  That old familiar lump kept popping
up in my throat as I read along, first when you talked
about giving him the only gift you could at that
point, then when you spoke of laying him on his pillow
while they did the catheter and crying, and then again
when you spoke of your dad, and how wonderfully
understanding and kind he was to you.  That kind of
kindness is just invaluable.  I laughed when you said
that you thought half the u.s. population is praying
for you.  I felt that way too when I came here when
Cricket was sick.  After he died, people here told me
that he would visit me again.  A few mornings after
Cricket died, I woke up and looked down beside my bed
and there was a cricket there.  Granted, it was not
alive, but still...usually we have a lot of crickets
around november in texas and we just didn't have a
cricket season that year.  I hadn't seen any, so it
shocked me to see this lone cricket by my bed.  And
Cricket was always 'different'...lol, so it would not
surprise me that he would leave a dead cricket by my
bed to try to communicate with me.  

I just want to tell you how much I think of you that
you did all you could for Slinky.  Bless you for your
unconditional and endless love for Slinky.


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world: Indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

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