Hi Joe,

Welcome to the group.  I'm really sorry to hear about
Chewie and that Stitch has also tested positive for
FeLV.  The best thing you can do for Stitch is to
educate yourself on this virus.  It is a serious, and
often times, deadly disease, but not necessarily a
death sentence.  Keeping Stitch stress-free and
feeding him the best diet possible will go a long way
in combatting the virus.  FeLV is not AIDS for
kitties, but it is similar in how it behaves.  Keeping
the immune system in top-notch shape is how we combat
the virus in our beloved furbabies.

Stitch may still throw off this virus, depending on
when he was exposed, which could certainly have just
been recently when Chewie got sick, even though they
have been living together for a while.  Also, there
are a lot of false-positive tests.  Retesting Stitch
in 3-6 months with the IFA test would be a good idea. 
You are right to wait on adopting another cat right
now, and if other cats stress Stitch out, I wouldn't
get one at all, unless she does test negative in 3-6
months; then it won't matter too much if she gets a
little stressed out.

If Stitch is asymptomatic, there's not much else you
can do, other than considering supplements for her
immune system, like L-lysine (without propynol glycol)
or Mega C.  And keep us bookmarked because this is the
place to be for FeLV info.  Bless you for not pts this
kitty and for taking such good care of her.

Take care and keep us posted on Stitch!
Dallas, TX

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